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Well friends, I am terrible at doing anything on a daily basis. Especially blogging. The truth is: I’m very thankful. I’m so very thankful for my friends and family, and especially, for my husband. I’m thankful for his new job, and I’m thankful that he makes dinner when I get home late.

What a week. It was break for the students at my college, which luckily means I can sleep in a bit on work days, but also meant I was doing a mailing by myself, sans student worker. Anyway, the kiddos come back Monday, so it’ll be much louder in my office from here on out.

1. New Castle episode
2. An incredible small group
3. That all the panna cotta got eaten
4. Netflix instant while I was folding letters ALL DAY
5. A nice email from a friend I haven’t talked to in a while
6. Lunch with friends
7. Jitters’ Italian Philly sandwich. Yum.
8. Brinner!
9. A quiet office
10. A church community who cares about our city

1. Chili cook-off at work
2. That my curry chili came out pretty perfectly (but I didn’t win)
3. Friends at work who helped me fold letters during staff chapel
4. A very caring husband
5. Netflix streaming (yes, again)
6. A lovely date at Cibon with my super-hot hubs
7. A relaxing evening
8. The Scrubs series
9. A quiet office
10. That I finished my mailing on time!

1. Trash to Treasure event at school (I picked up some sweet stuff for free!)
2. That my building didn’t burn down (When I got to work, the fire alarm had been set off by some workmen)
3. Having friends at work I can visit when there are firemen inspecting my building
4. A successful trip to pick up baking supplies
5. A successful cake baked
6. Movie night with my hubs (Super 8 was great!)
7. That my husband made dinner while I had band practice
8. Band practice
9. A great series ending to Scrubs (end of Season 8. Yes…I bawled through pretty much the entire episode)
10. A good cry

1. Getting on the scale in the morning and being 3 pounds lighter. Progress!
2. Free lunch at work — indoor picnic with friends!
3. Getting out early to pick up my boss at the airport
4. That my raspberry ganache filling finally set enough in my cake
5. That frosting is also cake spackle
6. Getting my MK boxes in the mail (it’s like Christmas! even if it’s not all for me)
7. Getting all my MK orders dropped off and getting to say hi to friends in the process
8. A hubs who will run errands with me
9. That the cake I was working on worked out ok  (picture below)
10. That the hubs made dinner again so I could work on the cake

1. A super-productive day at work
2. A boss who likes me
3. The Accounting department at school (they are seriously wonderful)
4.  Lunch with friends
5. A good ham sandwich
6. A gig playing with friends
7. Genny Bock on tap
8. Fried green tomatoes! (my mouth is watering just remembering them)
9. Friends who freaking rock
10. Being able to be part of the RIT IV community once in a while and seeing friends there (Ok, that was two)

Been a good week! Here is the cake I made (it’s based on Annie’s cake design) — guinness chocolate cake with raspberry ganache filling and fondant:

Photo borrowed from Rich (Happy birthday!)

1. Being mostly able to swallow
2. Feeling well enough to work most of the day
3. A quiet office
4. Netflix streaming
5. Enough time for a power nap
6. Date night!
7. Delicious seafood
8. Feeling really spoiled by my husband
9. Good conversation with my sexy husband
10. A night of relaxation and fun

1. A husband who helps me clean the house, even when it’s for an event I’m hosting
2. A clean house
3. A friend who gives up her time to help me as I begin my MK business
4. A really fun skin care class with a friend I haven’t seen in a while
5. Finding a cute outfit to wear
6. A little downtime with my hubs
7. Games
8. Family
9. Feeling better
10. Really good times laughing with friends

1. Friends who care about me
2. A church community who prays for each other
3. My family, dysfunctional as we are
4. A husband who cares about me and lets me cry when I need to
5. Good conversations with the hubs
6. Groceries
7. Upcoming Downton Abbey finale (although let’s be honest, I don’t want it to be over…)
8. A second job that’s flexible and profitable
9. Time to relax
10. Clean sheets

Have a good week, people! Stay healthy.

I got super sick this week. Wednesday morning I woke up at 2am with a throat the size of Wisconsin and feeling so hot. I went into work for a few hours, but luckily my boss sent me home. I napped and watched a lot of tv and now I’m feeling a bit better. ANYWAY, Tens Time.

1. A job that gives me paid sick time
2. A boss that sends me home when I’m sick
3. Buffy the Vampire Slayer
4. Scrubs
5. Naps
7. A doting husband
8. Theraflu
9. Netflix Instant
10. Theraflu (did I say that already?)

1. A day off
2. Sleeping in
3. A husband who worked from home to take care of me
4. Theraflu (yup, two days in a row)
5. Scrubs
6. Buffy the Vampire Slayer
7. Down comforters
8. A really inspiring MK Sales Director
9. Time with friends
10. Feeling good enough to have time with friends

And now, to bed. I am one tired lady.

I know — Tuesday’s not over yet. I think it’ll be ok.

1. My hair lasting another day before I had to wash it (what?!)
2. A Target trip over lunchtime
3. A sale on tablecloths
4. Checking off several things from my work to-do list
5. Making my second Mary Kay sale!
6. Our small group
7. Panna Cotta (…seriously – it’s like creamy jello. yum!)
8. Fresh Guacamole
9. Pepto Bismol
10. Castle

1. Waking up to a lovely Valentine’s Day card from my husband
2. A husband who is so thoughtful
3. A fireplace to read near over lunch
4. The Harry Potter book series
5. Impending pork chops
6. Friends who make beautiful music for us to listen to
7. Friendly students
8. A day that is less busy than the last few work days have been
9. An upcoming week of students on break (I like them, it’s just that my office is so quiet during breaks…)
10. Purple tights

Happy Valentine’s Day!

It’s been a busy few days. Lots of things going on at work, and lots more things going on with Mary Kay and other aspects of my life. Anyway, here are The Tens:

1. Good pizza
2. The opportunity to get out of the office at lunch
3. My chiropractor
4. Getting my neck cracked
5. My student worker
6. A quick work day (even if it only felt quick because of how busy it was)
7. A little time at home with my love
8. Friends to make music with
9. Enchiladas (even if we had to pay for them)
10.  Flannel sheets

1. Students who are checking out this school
2. A job that I feel like I’m good at
3. That part of my job is party planning
4. Leaving early from work (even if I had to get up earlier)
5. Cheese steaks
6. Target
7.  A whole night home with my lovely husband
8. Interesting films
9. Homemade popcorn
10. Snuggling

1. Snow (if it’s pretty and doesn’t ruin my plans)
2. A slightly less crazy day than I’d planned for
3. Girl time in the morning
4. Being able to learn from a totally wonderful woman
5. Friend time
6. Naps
7. Hockey games with my love
8. Spontaneous pizza trips
9. Snow tires (!!!)
10. A husband who doesn’t mind if I am out all day running around

1. Crazy kiddos
2. The chance to play music with some different folks from church
3. My amazing church community
4. A whole afternoon at home
5. British television (seriously)
6. A really patient husband when I am nearing meltdown
7. Panna cotta
8. The huge blanket my mother-in-law knit for us for our wedding
9. A two-hour Downton Abbey
10. A fairly restful day overall

See you soon.

I won’t lie to you, I had a bit of a cranky day yesterday. But! I am still so thankful for these ten things (and probably more):

1. Sunshine
2. Good cheese
3. The ladies’ Bible study
4. The opportunity to play music with friends (old and new)
5. My husband, who made dinner
6. Pork chops with rosemary cream sauce
7. The opportunity to reach my goal of booking two more Mary Kay events this month!
8. My student worker who constantly is finishing things I haven’t even asked her to do yet
9. Flannel sheets
10. Staying up late in bed just chatting with the hubs. It’s a good time.


1. A day at home (not so thankful for the day-long headache, but what can you do?)
2. A husband who can work from home to look in on me
3. Sunshine
4. A lunchtime walk with my love
5. Mindless television
6. UPS
7. Wonderful women in my life
8. A really supportive and knowledgeable Mary Kay sales director
9. More mindless television
10. A job that lets me take sick days when I need them

1. Sushi
2. Girl-time
3. Meetings at work
4. A wonderful community of administrative assistants and coworkers
5. Web comics
6. A flower pin to cover the hole in my sweater
7. New Mary Kay makeup
8. Feeling confident that my face looked nice
9. Honesty and openness in friendship
10. Looking forward to having a baby someday

I have a pretty great life.

I missed two days! Bad Anna.

1. An easy clean-up from our party
2. Sleeping in until like 10
3. Staying in bed chatting with my husband until 11
4. Staying in our PJs until 4pm (a VERY unusual occurance)
5. The work we got done organizing our office — pretty clean in there now
6. A whole extra day just to hang out with my best friend (who happens to be my hubby)
7. Girl time at the movies
8. Time after the movie to sit and chat
9. A wonderful girl best friend who gets and me and doesn’t mind that I’m wacky
10. A semi-early bed time

1. My awesome band, The So and Sos!
2. The opportunity my church gives me to play music with incredible people for service
3. Communication with my husband
4. A nap
5. A belt
6. Being able to make lots of food for the Superbowl party. I love feeding people!
7. 3rd place in the chili cookoff
8. A pretty seamless set up and tear down for the Superbowl party
9. The Patriots didn’t win the Superbowl! (Though I was hoping for the first scoreless SB, to be honest.)
10. That we don’t yet have a toddler who wants to follow me everywhere (I say this after having been followed by a 3-year-old into the bathroom last night at church).

Monday’s will have to come later.

I almost missed it!

1. Having a day off with my love
2. Sleeping until 9
3. Accidental networking at our party
4. Finishing our clean-up in time
5. A good suggestion from a friend that saved my onion dip (silly, I know)
6. Dear friends who fell in love this past year
7. Party outfits
8. A husband who is more encouraging than I can imagine
9. A hope for a family someday
10. A house into which we can invite our friends

It’s been a good day. :)